I’m not the first person to write this, and I certainly won’t be the last… Nonetheless, it must needs be said. Artists. STOP UNDERVALUING YOUR WORK! Ok, so we’ve all seen the “For exposure” twitter accounts, and heard the “Artist dies of exposure”…

We’re so excited! Hey Kitty has a Patreon now! Click here to check it out! This is just the beginning. Donate if you can, even a dollar makes a huge difference! If you can’t donate, share with your friends! You get cool stuff,…
Hello from all of us over here at Hey Kitty, dear fans, friends, family, and otherwise fantastic people! We’ve got some exciting news to share, but of course, we’ve got to give you a bit of an origin story recap first: It’s been…
Big news over here at Pear Comics! First, a bit of a refresher. The “Big Idea” here at Pear is to build a platform and a knowledge base that will allow us to promote and to help fund independent web comics. We want…
A question about the setting and world of Hey Kitty and Hey Fox. Thank you to @Frankwolfest for your question sent to @HeyKittyComic. To paraphrase “I remember seeing a kid anthroid in one page, are android kids a common thing or how’s that?”…
Greetings and salutations! Pear Comics goal is to help artists fund their projects… And here, on GoFundMe, it begins! Hasn’t Hey Kitty been particularly awesome lately? Isn’t Shen’s art fantastic? Do you want to see more Hey Kitty pages for a month? Check…
Pear comics is an artist collective. What started with just me (Hi, it’s Fox!) has grown beyond my control! I mean… Blossomed to include some of my closest friends! We’re looking to the future here at Pear Comics, and we hope you’ll join…