Big news over here at Pear Comics!

First, a bit of a refresher. The “Big Idea” here at Pear is to build a platform and a knowledge base that will allow us to promote and to help fund independent web comics. We want to do give the artists the freedom to concentrate on their creations, without having to worry about money. That being said, we are growing quickly!

Two new comics have joined the Pear Comics collective!

Rex Rangers written and drawn by Sofia (Sabu) Lopez and is a western style cowboy adventure… With dinosaurs!

Unluckies is a fantasy pirate adventure from the mind and pen of Shen, the artist behind Hey Kitty!

BUT WAIT! That’s not all!

Remember that whole “we make the money for them, so they don’t have to” part of the plan? Well, part of that is going to be the Pear Comics Store! (Opening for business soon) There you’ll be able to buy digital packs (Desktop wallpapers for computer and phone) with the option to “tip” to give a bit more if you want, and soon, some physical goods like art prints, post cards, and buttons!

Keep checking here for more updates, and keep reading the comics bother here at Pear and beyond!